Paloma Tea Company


198 kr

Golden Tips is the Yin Zhen – ‘Silver Needles’ – of black tea. This Premium Yunnan Gold is grown at an altitude of about 1600 meters in the western Yunnan province in China and harvested by hand during the early spring. It is during the oxidation process that these sought-after, furry young buds of tea bushes get their beautiful golden colour. The flavour notes of these charming Chinese tea buds remind one of prunes and maple syrup. There is no doubt that you will get tea drunk just by smelling these lovely buds.

Taste strength: Medium/Strong
Ingredients: Golden Buds from an area with cool climate and natural woodland

How to make: Boil up fresh cold water
Tea cup: 300ml 90°C
Use 2 teaspoons/ 4 Grams Tea

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